Biomethane standard published 

Standards New Zealand has now updated its gas quality standard (NZS5442) to allow for the injection of biomethane into the existing gas pipeline network. 

This is a critical step in preparation for biomethane produced at Ecogas’s Reporoa plant to be blended into the North Island’s reticulated gas network later this year. 

Industry regulator the Gas Industry Company (GIC) says this is an interim standard, and the final version of this standard will also allow blending of hydrogen gas within the network.  

By specifying limits for contaminants, the standard seeks to ensure the integrity of the transportation systems and prevent operating problems for end users.  

It has updated the test methods and frequencies, and the revised standard has also relaxed the limit for oxygen and water. 

In notifying the standard update, the GIC thanked the members of the gas industry who have given their time and technical support in developing the interim standard and their ongoing involvement in the development of the final standard. 

For more information, access the standard on the Standards New Zealand website.  


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