Gas New Zealand

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Resetting the approach to solving energy hardship

The divide between New Zealanders who can and can’t afford to heat their home, cook a meal and get from A to B remains unacceptably large,

Despite this, the Energy Hardship Expert Panel's recently released recommendations are thought to be off the table.

So now is the time to reset the approach to energy hardship – taking an ‘energy envelope’ approach to affordability rather than a fuel specific one.
According to an informal poll taken at a Powerco energy event in Wellington 21 November, 56% of attendees considered their household energy costs will escalate in the next 5-10 years. However, Powerco chief executive James Kilty said the reality was that they will come down.
GasNZ chief executive Janet Carson said we need to seize the opportunity the panel hiatus and new government provides to move to wider energy system thinking and less fuel specific thinking.

“For example, if we electrify transport, our electricity spend will go up but our overall energy spend should come down.

“Furthermore, ensuring New Zealanders that like using gas appliances have the confidence to stay connected to gas will save them the substantial cost of converting, it will also ensure we have a vibrant gas market for supporting electrification and strengthen energy resilience.

“Market settings should always be up for scrutiny, despite the future or not of panel. But we must also put resources into how we ensure a more affordable energy envelope overall.

“A clean and just energy system is within reach if we take a sector wide view and act now,” she said.