Gas New Zealand

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The Voice of LPG

When it comes to LPG, that means establishing GasNZ as the industry’s voice.

“The voice that reminds New Zealanders of the benefits of LPG; assures New Zealanders it’s not running out; and most importantly the voice that helps drive demand for renewables, so New Zealanders can enjoy the benefits of LPG today and in the future” she says.

This goal recognises that LPG is an essential part of New Zealand’s shared energy future, and that for many homes and businesses there is no alternative that adequately meets their needs.

“The industry needs a unified voice so that consumers can find out more about the benefits, and future of LPG, as they make long term decisions for their homes and businesses, and to give companies confidence in the future of LPG, to continue to invest in LPG appliances and infrastructure.”

 See here for the full story.