GasNZ helping shape a new regulatory regime for CCUS
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is an industrial technology used to remove carbon dioxide that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere, by capturing it and permanently storing it – usually by injecting it underground into depleted oil or gas fields.
Ecogas expands leadership team
As one of GasNZ's gas producer members – and the first that will be injecting biomethane into the natural gas network, Ecogas is moving ahead in its business growth and expanding its operations across the motu. To meet the increasing demands of its expanding network, Ecogas has bolstered its leadership team.
Biomethane standard published
Standards New Zealand has now updated its gas quality standard (NZS5442) to allow for the injection of biomethane into the existing gas pipeline network.
GasNZ gives its view on Gas Security Response
The Government risks distorting the commercial energy market if it intervenes to secure gas supply for electricity generation for this winter and next, GasNZ says in a letter to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).
How to make the Emissions Trading Scheme bulletproof
New Zealand’s Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) could and should be made bulletproof, according to Dr Eric Crampton, chief economist at the New Zealand Initiative.
Opinion: Tiwai Point and NZ’s energy strategy
The recent "20-year" electricity pricing deal just agreed for the Tiwai Point aluminium smelter is a notable milestone for energy sector stability in New Zealand.
No concerns about LPG supply in New Zealand
As concerns mount around New Zealand’s natural gas supply, chief executive of Liquigas, Albert de Geest, says LPG is readily available internationally and more could be easily imported as necessary.
Focus on decarbonisation progress and barriers at WEC
The New Zealand Business Energy Council (BEC) and others were represented at the recent World Energy Congress 2024 in Rotterdam - the first congress since Abu Dhabi in 2019.
Role of gas in energy security recognised
Electrification is a key part of decarbonising New Zealand’s energy system, and it’s pleasing to see the importance of gas in achieving that goal is being openly acknowledged, GasNZ chief executive Jeffrey Clarke says.
Renewable gas certification ready to go
BraveTrace – formerly known as Certified Energy – will soon be launching a renewable gas certificate for use with biogas, biomethane and hydrogen.
Energy security deteriorating according to international report
Energy security worldwide, including New Zealand, has deteriorated in the last year, according to the World Energy Council’s latest report.
Alarm over possible gas shortages in Australia
In an interesting parallel with New Zealand, it seems Australia is also debating the sufficiency of its natural gas supply – with warnings of winter shortages coming from the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) – despite Australia being a major exporter of gas.
Gas remains choice of nearly half of NZ homes
Most residential gas consumers would only replace their existing gas appliances such as water heaters, cooktops or space heaters if they break down, according to a report from the Energy Efficiency Conservation Authority (EECA).
Carbon Capture and Storage recommended by gas regulator
Carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) can substantially decarbonise gas production and provides an option to decarbonise some ‘hard to abate’ industrial sectors, the Gas Industry Company (GIC) says in its recently released briefing for incoming ministers.
The potential for biogas in New Zealand
The energy, agricultural and waste sectors should collaborate to reduce New Zealand’s emissions by capturing biogas produced from organic waste, an independent report commissioned by Powerco, Clarus and Ecogas says.
Powerco announces renewable gas projects
Powerco’s kicking off two initiatives in Manawatu to investigate turning waste into pipeline-ready renewable natural gas to help New Zealand decarbonise.
Minister confirms critical role of gas
Natural gas is certainly going to be needed in the medium term during New Zealand’s energy transition, the Minister of Energy, Simeon Brown, told a business breakfast audience in Wellington last week.
Gas vital to transition, Summer School told
GasNZ was invited to discuss the future of gas at the University of Auckland Energy Centre’s annual three-day Summer School in Energy Economics in February.
Greater flexibility in gas supply needed
Gas is vital to New Zealand’s energy security in the short to medium term and is likely to have a part to play in the longer term depending upon future technology solutions.
Latest report on gas supply and demand
Both demand for gas and gas reserves are decreasing, according to the latest report on supply and demand from business consultants Ernst & Young, commissioned by the Gas Industry Company.